Posts tagged short stories
Book Review: Women of the Woods

Women of the Woods by the Fabled Collective et. al. is a collection of dark fantasy and folk horror short stories, reminiscent of a contemporary style of Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Washington Irving.

I haven’t been so impressed by a collection of short stories in a while. If I could give this a 6/5, I would! Each story is polished, well-paced, great character development, and awesome stories.

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Book Review: The Clocktower

The Clocktower: And Other Short Stories by N. T. Laemmle is a set of modern-day fables, interwoven in a striking poetic world.

Each story is very different from the others in this collection. What connects the stories is the lesson behind each one, and while some of the lessons were so subtle I had to go back and reread the story again, others were bright and bold in my face.

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Flash Fiction Contest for Romantic Letters!

Hey, Romance Writers! For those of you who are planning to attend the first Romantic Letters Event this weekend on the 9th, we are hosting a flash fiction writing contest, sponsored by LeStallion notebooks.

Please post your story on your IG or FB and TAG ME by midnight MST THIS Friday, the 8th! If you do not have an active social media, you can email me at

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Book Review: Scratches

Scratches by Joshua Marsella is a horror novella about a mother and son who inherit a house after the death of a family member with a violent past.

This story, while horrific with fun horror elements, does touch on what true monsters are out in the world. In a way, it talks about what evil men and women are truly capable in a safe space. We need more stories like this out in the world, detailing the worst of humankind, not to glorify it, but to shed a light on something that should be addressed. This story does that, while maintaining the theme of a fun horror story.

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Book Review: Her Infernal Name & Other Stories

Her Infernal Name & Other Stories is a collection of short horror fiction from the mind of author Robert Ottone.

Each story takes us on a journey on a different sort of nightmare. From one about an Instagram Famous model in “Her Infernal Name” to “Playing God,” each story plays on the nightmares of our modern society.

I like this collection, but I found some of the stories a little predictable or cliche. If that doesn’t bother you, then you’ll get a kick out of these horror stories.

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Book Review: Shadowy Natures

Shadowy Natures edited by Rebecca Rowland is a horror anthology with twenty-one different stories of “serial killers and sociopaths, fixations and fetishes, breakdowns and bad decisions crafted by authors as diverse as their writing styles.” If you like horror, especially psychological horror, then you may find a new favorite horror story in Shadowy Natures.

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Get the Collective Darkness ebook for $0.99!

Rod Serling famously dubbed the expanse between our greatest fears and the apex of human knowledge the dimension of imagination, the Twilight Zone. The reference to twilight (half-light, half dark) is not lost on astute readers of speculative fiction, well-acquainted with the moral symbolism of light and dark. It is the darker edge of twilight merging with night that concerns us because this is where nightmares dwell. Delving deeper into the darkness is what fuels the fearful mind.

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Book Review: Monster Brain

The Monster Brain: Conversations with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) by Daniel Cureton deals with one author’s experience through OCD. I was in awe by his use of graphics, music, and poetic style to portray different pieces of his mind and memories. As someone who deals with their own version of mental illness, I feel like this paints a deep and truthful picture of what this really brings to the table for a person.

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Book Review - The Parasite from Proto Space & Other Stories

If you’re looking for something weird that touches on serious content, like dealing with autism, then you’ve got to read Brett Peterson’s new sci-fi anthology The Parasite from Proto Space & Other Stories. The book is dedicated to those on the “autism spectrum, those with mental illness, and those with disabilities both visible and hidden. My advice to you is to never stop pursuing what makes you happy.” I whole-heartedly agree with this sentiment.

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Collective Darkness Virtual Tour!

We are having a Virtual tour! Please view video interviews of our authors, narrators, foreword writer, writer of the introduction, and more

Join the VIP club! For everyone who likes/subscribes they will receive a FREE companion copy to Collective Darkness called Little Darkness with some of the same writers from Collective Darkness!

Share this post on social media and tag Collective Darkness for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

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