Flash Fiction Contest for Romantic Letters!

Hey, Romance Writers! For those of you who are planning to attend the first Romantic Letters Event this weekend on the 9th, we are hosting a flash fiction writing contest, sponsored by LeStallion notebooks.

Please post your story on your IG or FB and TAG ME by midnight MST THIS Friday, the 8th! If you do not have an active social media, you can email me at luwromance@gmail.com

Flash fiction is a short story (in this case 100 words) that is complete. It has a beginning, middle, and end. This should be written in prose, not poetry, style.

The theme is “meet cute.” A meet cute is a “cute” meeting between two characters that leads to a romantic relationship. 

The winners will be announced at the closing remarks of the Romantic Letters Event (6 pm MST). I will read the first-place story during the closing remarks.

The first-place winner will receive a brand new premium notebook Rosé Felina notebook from LeStallion and free editing of up to 5,000-word story/poem sponsored by EditingMee.com. Second place will get free editing of up to 2,500-word story/poem, and third place will get an honorable mention. 

All three winners will have their stories posted on the LUW Romance website at  luwromance.wordpress.com. 

Happy writing! 


Only ONE submission per person

Stories CANNOT exceed 100 words

Submissions MUST be submitted by Friday midnight MST.

To submit, post on IG or FB post and tag @elizabethsuggsauthor and @lestallion.notebooks

But if you need to share your story via email, please go to luwromance@gmail.com 

Your submission will be rejected if your story is racist, sexist, or harmful to another group.

LeStallion Notebooks

IG: @lestallion.notebooks