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100-Word Flash Fiction Contest Winners Announced

Thank you to everyone who participated! Keyra Kristoffersen is our first-place winner. She gets a premium Rosé Felina notebook from LeStallion and free editing of up to 5,000-word story/poem sponsored by Austin Slade Perry was our second-place winner. He gets a 2,500-word story/poem edited, and Olivia Hope came in third-place, receiving an honorable mention.

Stay up-to-date with future contests by subscribing to our blog.

Read their stories below

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Flash Fiction Contest for Romantic Letters!

Hey, Romance Writers! For those of you who are planning to attend the first Romantic Letters Event this weekend on the 9th, we are hosting a flash fiction writing contest, sponsored by LeStallion notebooks.

Please post your story on your IG or FB and TAG ME by midnight MST THIS Friday, the 8th! If you do not have an active social media, you can email me at

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Free Online Romantic Letters Conference/Multi-Class Workshop!

Are you a romance writer or an author who enjoys including romantic subplots in your stories? Then this FREE online multi-class workshop is for you! Romantic Letters is an all-day event with multiple presenters on writing craft, marketing, business, and more, including a panel on marketing and business.


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Get the Collective Darkness ebook for $0.99!

Rod Serling famously dubbed the expanse between our greatest fears and the apex of human knowledge the dimension of imagination, the Twilight Zone. The reference to twilight (half-light, half dark) is not lost on astute readers of speculative fiction, well-acquainted with the moral symbolism of light and dark. It is the darker edge of twilight merging with night that concerns us because this is where nightmares dwell. Delving deeper into the darkness is what fuels the fearful mind.

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