Posts tagged stories
Book Review - Moby Dick - The Great White Whale

Moby Dick! The great behemoth of stories. If you’ve read this one, then you’re probably at the cool classic’s book club table. This book came to me from my father, and for a long time I was reluctant to read it for one excuse or another: it’s too long, there are whales in it, etc. etc. But when I finally got around to consuming those wonderful pages, I was enthralled--enchanted.

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Fairytale and Fable

Fairytales are among the oldest of folk stories, and many survive into the modern-day (think Disney). Most fairytales have some element of fantastical in them, dragons, dwarves, goblins, the usual entities for most folklore. They take short story form and are mostly of European origin. While initial tellings of these stories targeted adults as well as children, modern-day works are focused primarily on children and children’s literature. 

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