Book Review: The Unnaturals

By Elizabeth Suggs

The Unnaturals by Dustin Dixon is a dystopian novel about two different life forms on earth: the humans and the unnaturals. 


The story centers around one of the unnaturals named “UN-27.” Stolen from his golden-skinned comrades outside the human city, he is primed, like many of his other brethren, to be part of the fiercest fighting force of the humans the world has ever known. 

I really like the premise of this story, as it explores race and the effects of climate change in a new way, but the characters fell a little flat to me. UN-27 occasionally “felt” things, but even these emotions were off or nonexistent. The only character that seemed to color all emotions and bring to life Dixon’s writing was the leader of the humans, Kole. There is real, raw anger there, which I loved. 

Here are some cool quotes:

He stalked purposefully out into the night, on a mission to redeem all those who had suffered alongside him at the hands of the Puritan Promethiate Kole.

He was now running through the town with a child in one arm and a rifle in the other.

Dixon has very polished writing and I see great things in his future, but this particular story wasn’t for me. 

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Elizabeth Suggs is the owner and founder of Editing Mee and co-owner of Collective Tales Publishing. When she’s not writing or editing, she loves to dive deep into books (the weirder, the better!), and she loves to take random long walks to unplanned destinations. Check out her recently released book Collective Darkness with eleven other authors. Buy your copy here: